Friday, March 1, 2013

The Super Awesome Lazy Bully Flash

The Super Awesome Lazy Bully Flash Video Clips.

Duration : 4.90 Mins.

Crappy animation. Crappy drawings. Crappy coloring. Crappy voices. Crappy Humor. Just one get what you paid for. Just a few things before you watch the movie, okay? This is the first time I actually put a decent amount of effort into a flash movie. And it's the longest one that I EVER made so I still haven't really gotten everything down... ABOUT THE SOUND QUALITY!! I'm very aware that a WHOLE bunch of you just love to bitch about the crappy microphone that I use, I just wanna say that I'M NOT GETTING A NEW ONE!! It's the best quality that I could get from it and I don't wanna spend mad moolah on a new microphone just so you guys will stop bitching about the sound quality, I don't mind the bitching, it's just that I'm not gonna be a 'professional' flash artist that some of you may think you are, I just do flash for fun and I don't care if the mic is crap or not, so yeah, if you REALLY can't stand the quality of the voices, just click the back button. Anyways...This flash is ALL about the awesome game called Bully, or Canis Canem Edit! It's really an AMAZING game, and if you never played it, then you should go to the store now AND GET IT!!! :D Plus, if you never played this game before, you probably won't get some of the jokes, even if they are lame... And yes, I'm a terrible voice actor! --dies- All of the characters sound the SAME!! D: Credits Voices: Gary, Jimmy, Petey, Kirby, Karen, Trent, Troy-DragonRider13025 "Gary, I thought what we had was special ...Love Quotes

Tags: ,Love Quotes The Super Awesome Lazy Bully Flash

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